City of Flatwoods, KY
2513 Reed Street
Flatwoods, KY 41139
Tel: (606) 836-9661
Fax: (606) 836-4222

Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your question or need futher assistance, please feel free to call our office at (606) 836-9661. You may also contact us by using the contact form.
If you cannot find the answer to your question or need further assistance, please feel free to call our office at (606)-836-9661. You may also contact us by using the form on the Contact page of this website.
* Our office is located at 2513 Reed St.
* We can be reached by phone at (606)-836-9661 or by fax at (606)-836-4222. -
* Our office is open Monday thru Friday 8:00 am till 4:30pm; except for posted holidays
* Our Public Works Department may be reached for after hour's emergencies at the Greenup Dispatch at (606)-473-1411. -
* Bills are due by the 15th of the month
* Failure to pay by the due date (15th) will result in a 10% penalty added to your bill
* Disconnection notices may be mailed. Failure to receive a bill or notice does not relinquish responsibility to pay the amount due
* Bills that are not paid in full by the 3rd of the month following the due date are subject to disconnection. The bill and a reconnection charge must be paid before service will be restored -
* You may mail your payment to: Flatwoods Utility Department, 2513 Reed St. Flatwoods, KY 41139
* You may pay in person at the City Building
* You may drop payment of check, money order, or certified checks in our night depository -
*First you should confirm that nothing is wrong at your residence. No leaks, line breaks on property.
*Check with your neighbors to see if they have water service.
*Call the water office to inquire as to the reason why service has been interrupted. -
* You, the customer, are responsible for repairing all leaks, service line breaks, or other problems beyond the service-connection fitting. If you have a question about responsibility, please call our office.
* City of Flatwoods may adjust your bill if you have a water line break, providing the leak has been repaired and the water bill reflects this. -
* A boil water advisory is put into effect after a break in the lines or if there is a scheduled outage.
* When a boil water advisory has been put into effect that means that there is a possibility that contamination may exist and therefore we must notify our customers. This does not mean that the water is unsafe, it just means that the possibility is there. We will notify our customers by several different methods..-
Notifying the local television and radio stations along with the newspaper.
In some cases by telephone.
Text message through the Nixle alert system
* After repairs have been made, the lines are flushed and a chlorine sample is taken and bacteriological samples are taken of the affected area and delivered to the testing laboratory. Tests are then ran according to strict government and state regulations.
* An advisory will be lifted after we have received the results and the Division of Water lifts the advisory.
* When the advisory is lifted, we will notify our customers.
* The City can locate the "main" water and or sewer lines for you. It is the property owner's responsibility to locate lines on private property.
* Your meter is read monthly. The only exceptions to this are extreme weather conditions that prohibit service workers from accessing your meter or something blocking access to your meter.
* Take showers instead of baths.
* Turn off water while brushing your teeth.
* Fill the sink with water when shaving rather than letting the water run.
* Avoid watering your lawn during the heat of the day to prevent loss due to evaporation.
* Save dishwater and use it to water your flowers.
* Repair dripping faucets and running toilets immediately.
* Know the location of your shut off valve in case a waterline leak occurs.
* Replace old water-wasting toilets with new 1.6 gallon flush toilets.
How much water will I use doing ordinary things such as washing clothes or taking a shower?
*Shower.......................25-50 gallons
*Shaving......................3-5 gallons with the tap running
*Dishwasher...................15 gallons
*Clothes Washer...............30-60 gallons
*Hand Washing.................2 gallons with the tap running
*Bath Tub.....................36 gallons
*Toilet Flush.................5-7 gallons
Who provides police and fire services?
Flatwoods Police Department (administrative) 836-8189 or 473-1411 to Dispatch
Flatwoods Fire Department (non-emergency) 836-7177
Who do I call in an emergency situation?
Always call 911 in an emergency situation. Flatwoods Police and fire departments will then respond if needed.
What is the public school system for Flatwoods?
Flatwoods is in the Russell Independent School district, you may contact their offices at 836-9679.
Where is the closest post office?
The Flatwoods Post Office is located at 2125 Argillite Rd, phone number 836-0171
How many people live in Flatwoods?
Flatwoods has a population of 7423 (based on U.S. Census numbers from 2010).
Who do I call for animal control services?
Call Flatwoods Animal Control at the non-emergency dispatch at 473-1411
Can I burn yard waste?
Flatwoods does have a burn ordinance; please contact the Fire Department at 836-7177 for more information. Or you can view the ordinance here:
Where do I register to vote?
Greenup County Clerk: 473-7394 or visit here for more information.