City of Flatwoods, KY
2513 Reed Street
Flatwoods, KY 41139
Tel: (606) 836-9661
Fax: (606) 836-4222

Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have a speech disability can dial 711 to access a relay service (also known as Telecommunication Relay Service) via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities.
Relay services use operators, called communications assistants (CAs), to facilitate communication between individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or who have a speech disability and other individuals. To make using TRS as simple as possible, you can simply dial 711 to be automatically connected to a TRS operator. It's fast, functional and free. Dialing 711, both voice and TRS users can initiate a call from any telephone, anywhere in the United States, without having to remember and dial a seven or ten-digit access number.
911 calls
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that people with disabilities who use TTYs or other devices have direct, equal access to emergency response services. In the event of an emergency, TTY users should call 911 directly and not make a TRS call via 711.
Video and Internet-based relay services
711 dialing access does not work for Video Relay Service, Internet Protocol Relay or IP Captioned Telephone Service Relay calls, because such calls are initiated through the Internet. Hearing persons initiating a VRS or IP Relay call may do so by calling a provider's 800 number. IPCTS users should call their party directly, and a communications assistant will be automatically connected to the call.
When an individual who is deaf, hard of hearing or who has a speech disability initiates communication via a relay service to the City of Flatwoods, they first provide the relay service CA with the phone number of whom they want to communicate with. The relay service CA then initiates the call to the City of Flatwoods.
City Hall - 1-606-836-9661
Fire Department / non-emergency - 1-606-836-7177
Police Department / non-emergency - 1-606-836-8189
Greenup County E-911 Center / non-emergency (24-Hour Answering Point) - 1-606-473-1411
Emergency - 911 or (24-Hour Answering Point) - 1-606-473-1411