City of Flatwoods, KY
2513 Reed Street
Flatwoods, KY 41139
Tel: (606) 836-9661
Fax: (606) 836-4222

Information For
The City of Flatwoods Alcoholic Beverage Control Administrator reviews and issues licenses in accordance with Kentucky statute as set by the state legislature and by City of Flatwoods ordinances which are enacted by the Flatwoods City Council.
To legally sell and/or serve alcoholic beverages within the City of Flatwoods, businesses must hold valid Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses through two governing agencies:
Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (State ABC)
City of Flatwoods, Kentucky Government (Local ABC)
The Flatwoods ABC Administrator reviews applications for the various license types to ensure each applicant is in compliance before local approval is granted to the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Additional Resources:
City of Flatwoods ABC Ordinance
City of Flatwoods Fire Department
Need More Information?
Questions about Local ABC licensing should be directed to the Flatwoods ABC Administrator at (606) 836-8189 or abc@flatwoodsky.gov.
Questions about State ABC licensing should be directed to the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at (502) 564-4850 or abc.info@ky.gov. Additional information can be found online at https://abc.ky.gov/.